We do our best to treat our members with fairness and respect, please ensure you read and understand the entirety of this document. By using our affiliate program you agree to the following terms and conditions.
Our affiliate program is simple, exclusively promote beautysolution.ca with your very own affiliate referral link or discount code and earn rewards!
Active affiliates will also benefit from an exclusive store discount and free products for you to try and review throughout the year.
We love being your beauty supplier, and we will continue working hard to support our members. We also understand your desire to tailor social posts to help build your following. Affiliate links bring additional value to your audience and rewards you for promoting the things you love, it’s win-win. For special events, we’ll let you know if we have any special requirements.
Our only requirement is that beautysolution.ca remain your exclusive supplier for all professional beauty products while your affiliate account is active. Not every post requires a link, so use your best judgment, but remember that more exposure helps increase your revenue.
Affiliates will be invited by Beauty Solution to join the affiliate program. A request to participate may be submitted at info@beautysolution.ca, eligible applications will be contacted for further information. Please include the following in your request;
• your name
• your profession
• images of your work
• a short description of you or your passions
After your acceptance in the affiliate program, you must ensure your account information is correct.
To access your affiliate dashboard you must register and/or login to our affiliate program using the link provided. You may also find the Affiliate Dashboard link on your My Account page when logged into your beautysolution.ca account.
Beauty Solution will provide affiliates with a commission rate based on finalized sales that used an affiliate’s unique referral link within the allotted time. Canceled or partially refunded orders may effect the final payout. Details and referral links can be found on your affiliate dashboard.
Affiliate referral links can be copied from your dashboard. You may promote your referral link(s) from any of your online accounts, including your website, video descriptions, social posts, social bio, emails or anywhere else you connect with beauty pros.
Want to link to a collection or product? Create your own links that take visitors directly to a collection or product page. Add new links directly from your dashboard or contact us for help.
Please insure affiliate referral links are copied properly and working, we are not responsible for any loss due to misspelling or copying errors.
Payment for all affiliate referrals will be received primarily as Beauty Solution Gift Cards or in the manner listed on your affiliate dashboard. Payment occurs at the end of each month or when a reasonable amount has accumulated. Payment statistics can be found on your dashboard.
Affiliates cannot use their own referral link(s) or share them with other affiliates, representatives or associates at Beauty Solution. We reserve the right to reject any sales that do not comply with the terms of this agreement.
Affiliate accounts may be suspended or terminated by either party at any time with or without cause. Earnings are only accumulated with active accounts. Suspended or terminated accounts will qualify to receive payouts earned prior to the date of de-activation.
From time to time details of this agreement may change, an attempt to notify you will be made. However, you agree to periodically review this agreement and understand that all changes are in effect from the date posted on this website.
We ask that all affiliates please comply with personal and intellectual property rights, avoid using the program for any unlawful purposes, and engage with the public in a fair and respectful manner. Follow any required disclosure laws when posting. Please note, this agreement is not an employment relationship, you are an independent contractor of Beauty Solution.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at info@beautysolution.ca